How did you get into the industry?
I’ve always dreamed of owning my own restaurant, and as a kid I got to work as a food runner with my brother for a small restaurant kiosk my family owned in our local mall. As I grew up, I continuously found myself drawn back to the restaurant environment and now as a restaurant franchisor I get to share that lifelong passion and excitement with others who are often just starting out in this industry. Each success story we participate in is like reliving my first success over again, and getting the opportunity to share the success and excitement with such awesome people truly is a dream come true.
What’s New in the Business or in the Franchise Model?
We’re constantly testing new products, services, and systems. At our corporate locations we’re currently testing a new to-go beverage model which allows us to offer all our beers & wines to-go in a branded aluminum and recyclable can. We’re also testing various self-service or modified service models to ensure that our locations can not only just survive but thrive in any economic or geographic environment. Whether a location is modified service or full service, we’re vetting and providing the tools to make sure each location thrives in their unique environments.
Where do you See Opportunities or Challenges for the Franchise/Business Moving Forward?
I think the largest challenge we’ve faced so far is changing people’s perceptions about the restaurant industry. There is a huge stigma about the industry and people often incorrectly assume that it’s unprofitable, impossible, and guaranteed to fail. The reality is however that while the learning curve can be difficult, when people have the right skills and systems in place this can be an exceedingly profitable and rewarding industry. Both financially, professionally, and socially. That’s really our goal as a franchise, to make sure that our franchisees have the skills, knowledge, and systems in place to succeed, and we’re fighting to change those negative perceptions one success story at a time.
What is your Goal for the Business Moving Forward?
We want to grow of course, and we want to share our mission, great food, and success with more people across the USA. The more people we can help succeed and flourish the better.
Talk to us About Training and Support, How Do You Deliver?
We cover all 3 primary learning styles with our training model and vary the delivery method as needed to be most effective. We provide a large portion of our training online and through our mobile app so franchisees can be trained from anywhere in the world. We call this our online academy, and we provide training through interactive games, videos, and tests. In addition, we also provide more traditional mentor-based training, which takes place both at our corporate locations and franchisee locations. With the mentor-based training we focus on hands-on experience and on-the-job interactions. The goal is to turn anyone into a restaurant professional.
Your most difficult moment at the Franchise Business?
Some of the most difficult experiences I’ve had as a franchisor is when there is a disconnect between expectations and reality. Often people focus too much on the end goal and forget about the hard work and dedication that is required to achieve that. We’re not snake oil salesman, and without the desire to succeed the reality of success often falls short. That goes for any business in any industry. I have a lot of respect for entrepreneurs and business owners, and if I can use our model to help someone succeed then it makes all the hard times worth it.
Define your Franchise Model:
1. Training and Support Model?
Interactive, adaptive, and continuous.
2. What is the fee Structure?
We use a tier-based fee structure based on gross sales. The higher the gross annual sales the less you pay in fees. We want to incentivize top performance and success, and we realize that when our franchisees are successful we’re successful.
3. Territory Definition?
We look for a 3–5-mile separation between locations depending on the geographic location and population density.
4. Day in the life of a Franchisee?
Our franchisees love to be in their business and it’s often a high energy, social, and fun environment. Whether you’re approaching your role as franchisee from the perspective of investor or owner-operator, chances are our franchisees can be found at their locations working and enjoying their locations.
What does Your Franchisee Do in the Business Every Day?
This really varies depending on the goals and desires of the franchisee. Some spend their time in the kitchen acting as a head chef or kitchen managers, while others are more service focused and spend their time behind the bar. Others instead take a more back-end approach and focus solely on growth and higher end business responsibilities, but regardless of their chosen role or duties that day we make sure our franchisees are prepared to step into any role at any time to ensure the success of their locations.
Who is the Ideal Franchise Candidate?
The ideal individual is someone with the desire and will to succeed, it’s as simple as that. Yes, starting a restaurant takes a bit of money, and prior restaurant experience is a bonus too, but at the end of the day someone who is driven and motivated can be taught the skills necessary to succeed. We want to find the people and teach the skills, not the other way around, and our system is set up to do that.
Success Stories and Failures with Franchisees?
I have the same goal with franchisees as I do with my restaurant staff. It’s that no matter what you do outside of The Point, you’re better off from having been here. Some of the greatest success stories we have are when people have gone from learning our systems to experiencing success.
What Goals Do You Have for the Franchise Model in the Future?
Aside from goals of growth and expansion, I’d really like to take part in more restaurant and business education. I was and am extremely fortunate to have amazing mentors and guides throughout my restaurant career and I feel a deep calling to give back and return the favor to others. I’d really like to give back and help others succeed, and I believe our model can fulfill that for myself and others.
For more information on the Point Pub franchise system, visit the corporate site: